Singapore City (Singapore) Detmold (Germany)

Flip crossing

The four Asian Tigers – EU tech trade vs. China – Africa Tech Trade

BE OUR BLOOGER OR AGENT IN Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Sout Korea in bilateral trade with EU.

tap our crossing system, Contact us

Yes South Korea, is not an Asian Tiger, is a big Lion, but in any case, our asian european domains or are a simple support because the key is in our crossing system where the URLs, metas and content you enter with our tools (news and introductions) will make you the virtual owner of this bilateral relationship on the whole Internet, to share with us the advertising performance of the businesses interested in This bilateral relationship

We are specillay focused in China - African laser trade, and in Asia - Africa Apps Industry.

but if you could manage any ASEAN country related with any European country,

Japan – Germany, Hong Kong – France, South Korea – Spain, Thailand – italy Laser Industry etc

BE OUR BLOOGER OR AGENT IN Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Sout Korea in bilateral trade with EU.

take advantage of our Business Language, a new and necessary system, really very far of being a simple list of companies by categories or countries as ordered rest of platforms, and very far of other Social Networks where everybody can create a group classified just for words. in Sylodium, in order to create a business place, you have to pass several tests, and later, you can manage some of the limited words of our system (if it wouldn’t be limited words, it would be a simple structure, not a system); limited words that produce endless ways to do endless business in thousands of interwoven and intertwined pages to make money together with us. 

The four Asian Tigers – EU tech trade vs. China – Africa Tech Trade